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Copper Ice, Blogger, Nerd
Snooker Nation

Snooker Nation December 2019

At the end of a 6 month Snooker Nation season, having won 13 matches to Jason’s 10, I am able claim victory. For the most part, it’s been a season of two halves, I dominated early on and at one stage had a lead of 7 matches to 1, but Jason made a huge come back and took the lead near the end of the season in November. In the end however, I managed to secure the last 4 matches to re-take the lead and ultimately win.

While I am proud to have scored a maximum break of 147, something I wrote about in my September Snooker Nation post, what I am most proud of is that Jason and I have played 23 matches composing of 168 frames and 38 centuries over the course of a 6 month period. I like to think that this is a good indicator of how much we enjoy each others company and how solid our 18 year old friendship has become.

I am looking forward to starting Snooker Nation season 2 which will run from January for 6 months until the end of June.

13/12/2019 – Match 59

Another victory for me, winning 5 frames to 2 in a best of 9. There were two century breaks this week, 101 in the first frame and 108 in the 5th frame both belonging to Jason. Frustratingly, I had three good opportunities to make a century break, but was not able to make the most of it.

20/12/2019 – Match 60

Unfortunately for Jason, I secured another win which grants me victory of our 6 month Snooker Nation season. This week, I won 5 frames to 1 in a best of 9 and got the only century of 115 in the 1st frame. Even if Jason wins next week, which will be the final match of the season, I will have still won the season overall. I am pleased that I won the season but am a little sad for Jason this week because he was utterly dissatisfied with his performance.

27/12/2019 – Match 61

For the last match of our Snooker Nation season Jason and I decided we would play a best of 13. I managed to win 7 frames to 5 but at one stage Jason was leading 5 frames to 2. This meant that if we were playing our usual best of 9, he would have won there and then. With a little luck and determination however, I won 5 frames in a row giving me the match. It looked like there would be no century breaks this week but in the 12th and final frame I got a break of 137.

Season 1 (July – December 2019) statistics

Played Won Frames Won Centuries Highest Break
Copper 23 13 89 18 147
Jason 23 10 79 20 136


  • Jason Lewis, 28/12/2019, 10:51 pm

    Congratulation on the win, I think over the course of the season, you were the better player. I personally blame my kids for constantly interrupting me while playing shots, you have an unfair advantage, not having minions to deal with, although your mother and her weird ideas give my kids a run for their money, although, saying that your mother brings you tea, my kids just annoy me without bringing me any refreshments.

    // OK, excuses over 😉

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