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Copper Ice, Blogger, Nerd
World of Warcraft update

World of Warcraft: Update

I wanted to provide an update as to where I am right now playing World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth.

My druid is still my main focus and I have managed to raise her average ilevel (item level) to 351 with the lowest item being level 340. I have achieved this by completing weekly quests which offer ilevel 370 items but also by playing some PvP (Player vs Player) and obtaining an ilevel 345 weapon and ilevel 355 armour items.

I have fully completed all three parts of the Uldir raid which give ilevel 340+ drops with raid finder. I must admit I have not really enjoyed the Uldir raid, hopefully the future of Battle for Azeroth will offer something more interesting and unique. I am also hoping that where will be many more warfronts other than the one I have written about here and here.

My paladin has also been trailing my druid and has a respectable average ilevel of 346. I will always try to ensure that my paladin does not fall too far behind.

Going forward I plan to partake in a lot more PvP and will also be working on completing the ‘Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One’ achievement which I am sure will be an essential part of obtaining the ability to use flying mounts in Kul Tiras and Zandalar. I still need to obtain revered reputation with the ‘Champions of Azeroth’ faction to get the ‘Azerothian Diplomat’ achievement and ‘Drust do it’ for the ‘Kul Tourist’ achievement which in turn will give me ‘Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One’.

On a side note I have also started to embark upon the ‘Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest’ quest string which on completion will award me with a legendary staff from the Cataclysm expansion and also the Lil’ Tarecgosa pet. I should be able to solo it all but it will take me a long time to complete, which is as it should be. While there are many guides on how to obtain this staff, if I manage to get one of my own I will be sure to write about my experiences.

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