Since I started to play EVE Online again I have been completing a lot of level 4 security missions with the Dominix battleship. Level 4 security missions provide steady and reliable streams of income while being a relaxed and relatively risk free activity, especially when using the Dominix. By comparison to other battleships the Dominix and the modules below are relatively cheap but do require a lot skill points. This way of fitting the Dominix however should still work well if the tech II modules were replaced by faction or tech I modules which would mean far fewer skill points will be needed but it will take a little bit longer to complete most of the missions. I should add that your account will need to be ‘Omega‘.
Low Slots
Large Armor Repairer II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Reactive Armor Hardener
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Mid Slots
Alumel-Wired Enduring Sensor Booster
Alumel-Wired Enduring Sensor Booster
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
Large Micro Jump Drive
High Slots
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Large Semiconductor Memory Cell I
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Hammerhead II x5
Ogre II x1
Salvage Drone II x5
Warden II x5
Garde II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Cargo Hold
Mobile Tractor Unit
Targeting Range Script x2
Optimal Range Script x2
For ease I have created this Dominix fitting on the EVE Workbench website. From there you can import the fitting using the game client, you may wish to then make a copy and remove the tech II modules/drones you can’t yet use and replace them with the tech 1 variation. If you find it works out and you enjoy using the ship, perhaps you can then consider training your pilot to upgrade your ship with tech II equipment.
The idea behind this fit is to use sentry drones to destroy enemy ships up to around 200km away. This is achieved using 2 sensor boosters and 2 tracking links with targeting range scripts and optimal range scripts along with 6 drone link augmentors and a large micro jump drive. This Dominix fit includes a strong armour tank and an assortment of different drones should you find yourself in a position where enemy ships are too close and too fast for the sentry drones to track. Also included is a Mobile Tractor Unit (MTU) and salvage drones to assist with loot and salvage. Below is a step by step guide on how to use the Dominix and a video of a level 4 security mission I did with it.
CAUTION: Be ready to return sentry drones and use the MJD to get back to the MTU if someone shows up to destroy it. Check local for known hostiles before using the MJD away from the MTU because there will be a window of vulnerability until you can use the MJD again to get back.
Other than requiring a lot of skill points there are a few other drawbacks, one being is the speed of the Dominix. If the mission has acceleration gates that are more than say 4 or 5km away from where you arrive it can be painfully slow to get to them. You can solve this by using the Dominix Navy Issue which has an additional mid slot for a propulsion module, this will however drastically increase the cost of the ship and you will lose the drone optimal range and tracking speed bonus of the standard Dominix. Some missions also require you to loot something from the wreck of one of your enemies which makes the MTU a vital piece of kit for some missions rather than an optional extra. If you really don’t want to use an MTU one possible solution would be include a fast frigate in the frigate escape bay and use it to abandon ship to collect the required item and jettison it next to the Dominix before boarding again. This does however pose a new set of risks so it might be prudent to simply return to the mission site with a faster ship.
I hope this guide is helpful to someone. It really is a nice and easy way to play through level 4 security missions and make some easy in game currency. In my previous EVE Online post I have found that if you are committed it is possible to use this ship and be completely omega self sufficient without spending a penny of real money. If you do decide to give the Dominix a try using my guide, please let me know how you get on or if you have any questions for me. I would love to hear from you.
No problem! If you have any more questions about it please reach out to me in game or use the contact form on this site.
Thanks for the build