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Copper Ice, Blogger, Nerd
Snooker Nation

Snooker Nation March 2022

We are now half way through Snooker Nation season 6 and Jason has a 5-4 lead. March started as a rather bland month of Snooker Nation, that is until the end of the month with not 1 but 2 maximum breaks. What I have enjoyed is that the last two matches have ended in an ace frame. I find that it is more fun to win or in my case lose an evenly played match.

04/03/2022 – Match 162

Even though I have been feeling quite sick lately, it was nice to persevere and play this match and win 6 frames to 3. Other than the final frame, where both Jason and I missed multiple easy shots, we both played really well. There were 4 century breaks in total, I scored 136 in frame 1 after a really bad first shot from Jason and 138 in frame 5. Jason scored 109 in frame 3 but missed the final green, which could have resulted in 134 had he potted it. He also scored 107 in frame 4 but missed a shot on the pink after potting the final red, which is a shame because had he potted it he might have scored 140.

18/03/2022 – Match 163

This was quite a strange match of Snooker Nation, which Jason managed to win 6 frames to 5. There were 4 century breaks between us, I scored 113 in frame 2, 103 in frame 3 and 105 in frame 9 while Jason got 139 in frame 4 which is now his season 6 highest break. You would think that this was a well played match, with 4 century breaks, but in actual fact I think we both played badly. Both of us were missing some of the most fundamental shots, or getting easy safety shots really wrong. Perhaps with the exception of frame 4 when Jason scored 139, I don’t think either of us walked away feeling particularly pleased with how we played.

25/03/2022 – Match 164

What an incredible and unlikely match of Snooker Nation this has been. This blog has documented about 3 years worth of me playing this game with my friend Jason, but we both started playing back in November 2016. Since then we would never have thought we would play a match quite like this. What makes it so special is that not only did I score a maximum break of 147 in frame 7, Jason also scored a maximum break of 147 the following frame. For anyone who does not know, a maximum break in Snooker is the ultimate achievement, they are few and far between. Both Jason and I have scored maximum breaks in the past, but never in the same match, let alone 1 after another. The likelihood of this happing is remote. I don’t think it has ever been done in the professional game either. Altogether it was a good match, Jason won 6 frames to 5 and scored 142 in frame 2. I had a second century of my own of 126 in frame 3 but missed the final black. After our 147 breaks our game degenerated and we both ended up playing the last few frames badly, especially frames 9 and 11. It’s also been noticed that any match where I have scored a maximum break, I never end up winning it.

Season 6 ( January – June 2022) statistics

Played Won Frames Won Centuries Highest Break
Copper 9 4 45 17 147 x 2
Jason 9 5 40 11 147


  • Jason, 27/03/2022, 2:28 pm

    It crazy how nervous we both get when closing in on a century break, anyone would think we were playing for real at the Crucible. But after over a year of me not having a century break, it was nice to get that monkey off my back, especially after breaking down numerous times in the past three months while on course for a 147.

  • Copper, 28/03/2022, 8:24 am

    Looking back over previous blog posts, I worked out that your last 147 was in May 2020. Close to 1 year and 11 months ago. Congratulations mate, and you did it in style, as if in response to my 147.

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