After some microphone technical issues, Jason and I settled down to yet another game of Snooker Nation.
Jason won the first frame with a break of 132 which completely shattered my confidence for the rest of the match yet somehow, I still managed to win 4 frames to 3 in a best of 7 and I felt a sense of relief when it was over which I don’t think Jason appreciated.
My confidence to one side it was still a good match in that we reached the ace frame but on this occasion I did not score any century breaks which I think sums up my state of mind.
I didn’t remember to ask Jason if he wanted to play a different game this week and next week we are going to be pushed for time. After that however I hope we can have a game of Unreal Tournament, just for old times sake as we used to play it a lot.
The developers of Snooker Nation have certainly missed a trick not offering different referee voice overs like this!
But Snooker Nation is based on the Unreal Engine, so it’s like playing Unreal Tournament…we just need to adjust the referee’s voice to say things like “skill shot”, “dominating” etc, but we’ll have to keep the “two?”…