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Copper Ice, Blogger, Nerd
Snooker Nation

Snooker Nation September 2020

It has been a much better month of Snooker Nation for me having won 3 out of 4 matches. At one point I even took the lead for what I believe is the first time this season. I find it amusing however that after 3 months, at the half way point of our 3rd season having played 12 matches and 100 frames, Jason and I end September with 6 matches and 50 frames won a piece. It really couldn’t be much more equal, but technically Jason is winning with more centuries scored.

04/09/2020 – Match 98

It feels good to start September with a little Snooker Nation pay back. This week I win 6 frames to 1 in a best of 11 and got the only century break of 139 in the 7th and final frame. Jason still has a lead, but this result has helped even the scores quite a bit. I feel like I played quite well, not my best but far from my worst. It’s a little disappointing to have scored so few centuries, in 75 frames there have only been 17 centuries between us. Perhaps this will pick up as the season continues.

11/09/2020 – Match 99

I have started a win streak by winning 6 frames to 3 in a best of 11. Although I won the match, Jason had the only century break of 136 in the 3rd frame. For some reason the game has been crashing quite a bit, forcing us to restart each time. This has been an intermittent but somewhat uncommon issue since Jason and I started playing Snooker Nation, but lately it has become more and more common. The only consistency is that it always seems to happen when Jason is at the table with the advantage. Of course I always hand back the advantage when we restart, but it is still baffling to the both of us. It must be off putting when you’re in the flow of building a break and planning ahead, only to have to start over.

18/09/2020 – Match 100

My win streak continues and, for what I believe is the first time this season, I have taken the lead by winning this match 6 frames to 2 in a best of 11. I also scored the only century break of 112 in the 8th and final frame. Thankfully the game didn’t crash at all which further serves to baffle me. Why some weeks it crashes a lot and others not at all remains a complete mystery.

25/09/2020 – Match 101

My win streak has come to and end, losing 6 frames to 3 in a best of 11. This week however there were 5 centuries in total, Jason took the lions share of these by scoring 128 in the 1st frame, 129 in the second, 112 in the 3rd and a whopping 143 in the 4th frame. I managed a century of my own of 110 in the 5 frame.

Season 3 (July – December 2020) statistics

Played Won Frames Won Centuries Highest Break
Copper 12 6 50 9 139
Jason 12 6 50 15 143


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