While this website is primarily here for me to document my gaming activities and achievements, there will be on occasion the odd personal post, unrelated to gaming.
Last Friday for around 8 hours and the following Saturday for around 5 hours my Friend Jason and I worked on putting this website together. This meant that for me I was up all night on Friday, something I have not done for some years now.
Jason has been a professional web developer for 20 years or more and I met him when I started to work for a little known ISP back in 2001. Since then we have been friends, although I have considered him more like family for a while now. So it made sense that I should ask Jason for a bit of help and ask him to share his thoughts. I had no idea that he would do so much as to completely build the website from the ground up while keeping me in the loop at every stage.
If I were to pay someone to do what Jason did, I would have spent a great deal of money, something I do not have. When the website was coming together, Jason showed a genuine interest in getting it the best we could, where I would have accepted the odd, minor flaw, Jason wanted to strive for perfection and I am more than delighted with what we have achieved. I have since found that there are a few small issues, which I will speak to Jason about this Friday.
There is future development planned for the website which Jason has also agreed to help me with, when the time is right.
Thank you, Jason, for giving so much of your time to get this website together, and for sharing some of your knowledge while doing so.
I would also like to thank my friend and colleague Sam, who has agreed to proof read my about page and suggest ways of improving what is essentially the most vital piece of content on the website.
You’re more than welcome, I have now fixed the issues that you identified, time to find some more things to fix. I’m disappointed you changed the footer, how am I supposed to pour you out, now you are no longer a little teapot.